Five free guided meditations
Meditation can be any action or inaction that focusses the mind and brings a sense of clarity and calm. In other words, meditation is anything that creates space between thoughts, that quietens the chatter of the mind. Many activities can meditative, from golfing to gardening to pilates. If you are focussed, and the mind is not racing between different thoughts, you are practicing meditation.
However, if, like me, you tend to turn to meditation more in times of distress, it is not always possible to hit the golf course or tend to your garden or take a pilates class at Breathe Studio. You may be stuck at your desk, or on an aeroplane, or it may be the middle of the night. So what do you do then?
Well, you can meditate the traditional way i.e seated comfortably with your eyes closed. This type of meditation is arguably the hardest, because when our physical body is still, our many thoughts command full attention. The Yoga Sutras call it Chitta Vritti, the whirling of the mind stuff. One way to focus the mind is by focussing on the breath, counting the seconds of each inhale and exhale. Another way is to use guided meditations.
There are thousands, if not millions of free guided meditations available online. And in a moment of distress, the last thing you need is to suddenly be overwhelmed by choice. So I have compiled some of my favourite free guided meditations below, so the you have a list ready to go next time you need to quieten the chatter.