Women in Wellness: Lauren Naomi on soulcycle, falling in love with pilates and building a community off the bike
This week, I spoke to Lauren Naomi, a London born and bred fitness force.
Having come to know Lauren in the last few months, fitness instructor doesn’t seem major enough to describe her. At the age of 29, Lauren has carved an impressive career for herself in the fitness industry, one that she described as “hard but truly fulfilling.” Movement has always been a big part of her life. She danced as a child and went on to study to become a professional actress, singer and dancer, a path which ultimately led her to a career in fitness.
Lauren Naomi, 29, Fitness Instructor
In 2019 Lauren auditioned to become one of the founding SoulCycle instructors in London, a process which she describes as unbelievable and something she will treasure her whole life. After being selected, she was flown to the home of SoulCycle, NYC, to undergo intensive training. She. was completely immersed in the culture of the company, riding up to three times a day four days a week, studying under the OG instructors and learning everything she could. “Those training weeks were physically and mentally demanding to say the least” she remembers, “but contributed to the teacher I am today and for that I will be forever grateful.” I asked her what teaching for SoulCycle has taught her, to which she responded, “to always remain true to myself. To play music I truly resonate with. To be honest. To be open. To be willing to also adapt and grow.”
Lauren and I crossed paths when she hired Breathe Studio for an event. And no, Breathe has not suddenly (nor will it ever) become an indoor cycling studio. Rather, Lauren has seen the light (my words, not hers) and fallen in love with pilates (also my words). This seed was sown in early 2023 when Lauren developed Tinnitus as a result of loud music exposure through her work, which left her with a constant ringing/buzzing in her ear. “To say this was a really hard time would be an understatement” she says, “and is something that I have had to learn to live with and adapt to. I have good days and bad days, but the best days are the days when I practise Pilates. I had been wanting to slow down my practice for some time and I suppose developing Tinnitus gave me the gentle shove in the right direction to take the leap and study! I began to take classes which were softer on my nervous system and truly enjoyed the slower paced movement. I began to feel back in my body and incredibly strong again! Pilates has taught me to fall in love with moving my body again. It has taught me that movement should never be a punishment but a privilege. When I practise I feel not only strong, but balanced.”
Spinning junkies need not fear, Lauren hasn’t gone anywhere - she still teaches at SoulCycle regularly and. “Don't get me wrong I love to have my adrenaline pumping and sweat, but I equally love to slow down and feel the internal burn. The beauty of connecting your movement to your breath I believe brings you a great sense of awareness and allows you to truly be in the present moment.
What would she be doing if she wasn’t a fitness instructor. "I would most probably be a teacher of some kind” she answers, “as I love to help people realise and unlock their potential.”Unlocking potential is a perfect description of what Lauren does in her classes. I asked her what her tops tips for staying consistent are, to which she replied, “find movement that you truly love so then moving your body will never feel like a chore. You will be excited to move and to feel and to breathe!
Lauren exudes energy and confidence, but was clear that (like everyone), her confidence fluctuates. “I think female hormones have a huge part to play in this. But also who and what we choose to surround ourselves with! When I was at university studying my degree in Musical Theatre, I was constantly comparing myself to my peers, that sadly followed me into life when I would audition for shows. Standing and dancing next to women who looked just like me, wondering if I would be good enough, tall enough, toned enough for the role. Changing my career was one of the best things I could have done for my self confidence. I learned to accept my body. To accept that I had a curvy athletic build. This is why I teach, because I believe it is so important for young girls and women to see themselves represented. To see that you do not need a specific body to do a specific type of exercise.”
I asked her what her top tips were for creating a positive self image. “Drop she comparison! There is literally one you. Your genetics are beautifully different to everyone else's. Start to celebrate your uniqueness. Beauty trends and body shapes will be forever changing, rather than trying to keep up with the 'in' aesthetic, work on being your most authentic self - because I believe that is where you will truly find happiness and fulfillment.” We couldn’t agree more.
Outside of fitness, Lauren describes herself as an ambitious introverted extrovert who loves quality time with her family, working hard and playing hard, and Harry Potter. She has always and will forever look up to her mum, who she is extremely close to. “It has always been the two of us against the world. She is my biggest inspiration. My mum didn't have it easy but has always gone above and beyond to ensure I had and continue to have a life I love and am proud of.”
She is excited to transition into her 30’s, learning to love the path she is on and to not get caught up in what society believes she should have achieved by this age. “I remind myself daily that everyone is different, meaning everyone's life and journey will be different and that is the beauty of it. I am standing ten toes down in my lane!” So what does 2024 have in store for Lauren? “My mat practice” she answers, “and building a community off the bike.” Watch this space!
Favourite philosophy: Everything is temporary.
Favourite Book: Open Water by Caleb Azumah-Nelson
Fav podcast: The Receipts
Fav wellness product: My Gua Sha or my facial ice roller.
Fav sportswear brand: I can't pick just one, but my favs would be, Lululemon, Adanola and Vuori!